Creativity… or more the lack of it…

Sigh somehow currently stuck at an app creation progress. I have the framework and global functioning done. Now I only need to get a certain thing right…but I can’t seem to get there for the last couple of days. Sigh…I can’t get the sentences right. I know what I have to say…. but I don’t know how to say it.
Do you know the feeling? I know what I need to do, but somehow I can’t seem to get it done. Like being in school again. I know that I have to do a certain report. Due date is coming…but when ever I get behind the computer…just blank. I can’t seem to put a sentence on the screen. Not even a single word.
What to do? What can you do? Me. I’m the person who then tends to start digging into myself. Which only leads to more questions and even more trouble. Sigh. Best thing then is to take a break, and have a kitkat. Like that line. Catchy and easy to remember. But anyhow, take a break. In this case step away from the computer. And do something else. Some say shift your focus on to something else. But isn’t this putting things off and how to say it? Avoiding work? But what can you do? Inspiration isn’t something that you can force…or is it? What you can do is minimize the distraction.
Mind is something weird. Sometimes thinking about something else and also doing something else, helps. You get something done. Give you a good feeling. And with that extra good feeling, you go back to that

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