Monthly Archive: January 2024

Random Note

In movies you see the so called “ransom note” a lot, just a plain piece of paper with cutouts of letters.

So if you want to write this kind of note but don’t want to manual cut the individual letters, the Random Note Application can help you with this.

All you have to do is enter the text, press the generate note button and that’s all to it.

Now you can post your messages on social media with more color and style.

My Health Widget

The Apple Health Application provides you a good way to store, order and display of your health data. The My Health Widget application will be using this data and expand the display options to the widget format on your home or lock screen.

My Health Widget will focus mainly on dietary food intake and display various record types that you are interested in. Worried about your iron level? Place a widget with your iron intake value on your home screen. Sugar level? Caffeine intake? Water consumption? Various Vitamins? All this is possible, as long as you have the sufficient data on the Health Application. My Health Widget also enables you to input the necessary data, if you know the correct amount of intake, into the Health Application.

Next to dietary information, there is the option to display activity data like the number of steps taken or distance traveled on a day.