Whether you are a restaurant owner, a small business owner or an individual artist, the My Menu App is designed with you in mind.
It will give you a new way to attract new customers and make you innovative at the same time.
Just imagine you, as a restaurant owner, handing over an iPad with your own food menu to your customers. They will certainly love this new presentation instead of the boring old paper menu. And they are bound to tell their friends about it, which equals potential new customers.
Another good thing is always have your menu up to date. Decide what the today’s special is and make an entry in the My Menu App, take a picture, write a description and you’re done. Or you’re not serving a certain dish anymore, all you have to do is just delete the entry from the app. No more reprinting, extra cost or other troubles.
Just imagine you, an artist (painter, sculptor or something else), and a potential client wanting to see your work. Just show them your portfolio in the My Menu App. Browse through it with them while telling them your story behind the creative process.
Just imagine you, an owner of a store, and a customer wanting to buy something out of stock. Show them information about the item on the My Menu App, and have them make a reservation/order the item when available. This will prevent them from walking away or worse going to the competition…
Just imagine what the My Menu App can do for you.
My Menu App is fully customizable, you can set your own business/company name, select a font type, color scheme, layout view and more. Password protect the settings menu, to avoid customers accidentally deleting data.
The settings layout is clear and easy to understand.
Data entry is simple and fast. Enter a category name (like main course or dessert if you’re a restaurant owner), after this enter the short product name, long product name, description and the price of the product. Select a photo from your photo library and your done with the product. Proceed to the second product. Really simple and fast.
As for the looks of the menu. Just look at the screen shot for more info.

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