
Anchor Me

Have you ever felt lost, confused and not knowing how to begin to describe what you are feeling. Emotional feelings so overwhelming that you just don’t know where or how to begin.

AnchorMe aims to help you overcome this hurdle by providing you with lots and lots of reading material. Sometimes you just get stuck in a certain loop of feelings that keeps focusing on one thing that you see as: the cause of… or the only solution to…

While other possibilities are ignored and overlooked. It’s like being in love and only seeing the positive side of someone. Or having a heartbreak and feeling the world has ended and there is nothing that you can do about it.

The idea behind AnchorMe is decouple your overwhelming feelings into smaller and manageable parts. First you have to define, understand and then put it in a place you are comfortable with. It can help to know that you are not the only one feeling these feelings, they are universal and everyone around you experience them the same way. The only difference is that some have found a way to deal with those feelings that suits them the best compared to you, who is still looking and searching for it. 

AnchorMe provides you with examples to help you manage and deal with the feelings that you are feeling. 

Remember that AnchorMe can only guide you on this journey, because in the end only you know what path to take in this journey called life.


Gamify your daily todo list with MageDo. Create a basic todo item like any other existing application, the difference is that when you mark it as done you’ll be issued an additional task in the minigame. Only when you finish this in-game task will your todo item be marked as done.

Who says a todo list needs to be boring. Having some fun as a small reward after a task is done that’s what MageDo is all about.



Gamify your daily todo list with FarmerDo. Create a basic todo item like any other existing application, the difference is that when you mark it as done you’ll be issued an additional task in the minigame. Only when you finish this in-game task will your todo item be marked as done.

Who says a todo list needs to be boring. Having some fun as a small reward after a task is done that’s what FarmerDo is all about.

Queue Up?

This application is all about the meta of the queue up process itself. How much time you spend on waiting for something and what you could have done instead?

The QueueUp game is designed for the casual non-gamers out there, something you can do while you have to wait in line. 

Feeling bored and frustrated because the line is not moving, find comfort in a steady moving line inside QueueUp.

Irony? What irony?



Gamify your daily todo list with NinjaDo. Create a basic todo item like any other existing application, the difference is that when you mark it as done you’ll be issued an additional mission in the minigame. Only when you finish this in-game task will your todo item be marked as done.

Who says a todo list needs to be boring. Having some fun as a small reward after a task is done that’s what NinjaDo is all about.


Random Note

In movies you see the so called “ransom note” a lot, just a plain piece of paper with cutouts of letters.

So if you want to write this kind of note but don’t want to manual cut the individual letters, the Random Note Application can help you with this.

All you have to do is enter the text, press the generate note button and that’s all to it.

Now you can post your messages on social media with more color and style.

My Health Widget

The Apple Health Application provides you a good way to store, order and display of your health data. The My Health Widget application will be using this data and expand the display options to the widget format on your home or lock screen.

My Health Widget will focus mainly on dietary food intake and display various record types that you are interested in. Worried about your iron level? Place a widget with your iron intake value on your home screen. Sugar level? Caffeine intake? Water consumption? Various Vitamins? All this is possible, as long as you have the sufficient data on the Health Application. My Health Widget also enables you to input the necessary data, if you know the correct amount of intake, into the Health Application.

Next to dietary information, there is the option to display activity data like the number of steps taken or distance traveled on a day.


Let Me Focus

The Let Me Focus App is about helping you focus on the tasks that you have to do for a day. Task items can be everything from writing an email to someone, attending a meeting to buying certain grocery items you need.

There are three sections: Today, Tomorrow and Yesterday. 

Creating a default task item is super easy. Just enter the name of the task in the subject field and additional descriptions if you want, after this just press the create button. The task item itself will be listed in the Today section, mark it as complete when it’s done or postpone it to Tomorrow. Older tasks will automatically be moved to Yesterday.

You can additionally enable extra options for your task items, like setting an alert time or customize it with icons and colors to differentiate the task items.

Use charts to track the average completed items for a week or a different time period.

Widgets on the iPhone are supported, this enables you to see a quick summary of the task items for Today on your homescreen.


Battery Status Overview


Battery Overview List is an application for users with multiple Apple devices and who wish to keep track of battery charges across all those devices.

Using one device, let’s say the main, you can see the battery charge status information for the device that you are holding and all your other devices.


TableView Interactions:
The first table view item is the current device that you are holding. When you tap on the item itself you can see the charging log. But when you do a long press, you’ll get a context menu with more options to choose from.

The other table view items are for other devices that you own, where the app has been installed. When you tap on the item, an update request will be sent to the device to update itself for the battery charge value and status. But when you do a long press, you’ll get a context menu for other options like the charge history of the device or the option to delete the item itself.


Plug-In Interactions:
When you plug-in the device, the plug-in time and charge value will be noted. When you unplug the device, the unplug time and end charge value will all be combined with the plug-in values into a charge history item.
The other thing is at plug-in a battery charge view will be shown with the battery charge value. When it reaches 100% you’ll get an alert.


Homescreen Widget Support:

View the battery charges for all your devices on the homescreen without needing to start the application.


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Do or Do Not

Track your day to day activities with Do or Do Not. Once you start using this application, you’ll not want to go back to a time without having it. Each activity or habit can be set with an icon to better identify and distinguish itself from other activities.
The activity itself has an occurrence count, for how many times a day you want to do this task. The number of icons represents this count. You simply tap on the icon to mark part of the activity as done and go back to what you were doing.

The activities will reoccur each day and new entries will be automatic created for it. You can easily set the status to non-active to skip a day.

Each activity has a timeline function which shows the daily results for each day it was active. This is easy to understand, and you can just scroll through it and to get a comprehensive overview.


In general, most applications offer the option to track habits, streaks, routines, etc. only have one type of entry. The thing you want to do and improve. Negative items and things you want to avoid will also be put on the same list. This can work for a small list of items, but for bigger lists, this could start to get confusing. Do you have to do this one item or was it the other way around?

Do or Do Not makes a distinction between activities that you want to do and activities that you want to avoid each day. These Do Not activities could be anything you can think of. From quit smoking to eating less junk food, if improving your health is what you are aiming for. Or from reducing the time watching YouTube videos to checking your Facebook account, when improving your productivity is what you want. Each time you withstood the temptation, you mark it and go back to what you were doing.

With the selection list function, you can easily switch between the positive Do activities and the negative Do Not activities.
Do activities should be tackled with a positive attitude towards completing them.
Do Not activities should be tackled as activities that you should be avoiding, or more to the point the temptations that you should be withstanding.
From a behavioral standpoint: it is important to make a distinction between what should be done and what shouldn’t be done.

Do or Do Not also support Widgets on your home screen from iOS 14 onwards. Widgets are a good way to remind you of the activities that you have set for yourself. Activities are represented by the icons you have selected for them. And the progress can be easily understood in one glance.

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