Tag Archive: Psychology

Anchor Me

Have you ever felt lost, confused and not knowing how to begin to describe what you are feeling. Emotional feelings so overwhelming that you just don’t know where or how to begin.

AnchorMe aims to help you overcome this hurdle by providing you with lots and lots of reading material. Sometimes you just get stuck in a certain loop of feelings that keeps focusing on one thing that you see as: the cause of… or the only solution to…

While other possibilities are ignored and overlooked. It’s like being in love and only seeing the positive side of someone. Or having a heartbreak and feeling the world has ended and there is nothing that you can do about it.

The idea behind AnchorMe is decouple your overwhelming feelings into smaller and manageable parts. First you have to define, understand and then put it in a place you are comfortable with. It can help to know that you are not the only one feeling these feelings, they are universal and everyone around you experience them the same way. The only difference is that some have found a way to deal with those feelings that suits them the best compared to you, who is still looking and searching for it. 

AnchorMe provides you with examples to help you manage and deal with the feelings that you are feeling. 

Remember that AnchorMe can only guide you on this journey, because in the end only you know what path to take in this journey called life.

EMDR 101

EMDR_Promo EMDR 101 is your companion into the world of EMDR as a treatment method for various mental disorders.

Whether you’re new to EMDR or a seasoned practitioner, EMDR 101 will still be useful in one way or the other.

EMDR 101 gives you a clear overview of the various phases of an EMDR session (description and goal).

With the “Guided EMDR Session” option you can do an EMDR Session in any place that you want and work through the difficult issues that you struggling with. And whenever you feel overwhelmed with feelings & emotions, you can stop by simply closing the app. And resume when you are ready. You’re always in control.
So find a comfortable and safe place that you know…and start the session.

The “Custom EMDR Session” is for when you know more about EMDR. And it allows you to go straight to the point of desensitization & installation.

The “Dot Only Display” mode is a go-to option for an EMDR therapist. A distraction-free and easy to handle tool that you can use in your sessions.


download on the app store

PSA (Psychological Symptoms Analyzer)

Icon-152Just released a new app called PSA,  short for Psychological Symptoms Analyzer.

PSA is an application that helps you diagnose a mental disorder in a new way.

You simply have to select the symptoms that are present by dragging them to the selection field.
When you’re done start the Analyzer process.
This will give you some possible mental disorder diagnoses. Tap on them to see the specific criteria requirements for a proper diagnose (based on ICD, DSM). As a quick reference usage of the app, you can tap the library button and search for a mental disorder directly. Tap on the mental disorder to see the specific criteria requirements. Or read more about the disorder by pressing the wiki button.
Developers Blabla

I wanted to call it a psychological symptom analyzer tool first and shorten it to PSAT, but that a name conflict with the PSAT test. Or the better-known version of the SAT test. Name confusion is one thing but the other thing is maybe taken down notices due to intellectual property rights or something of that matter.

So PSA it is then.

I designed it in the hope that it would make the diagnose process easier by using symptoms tag as the first filter. And after that the specific mental disorder Criteria (set by DSM and ICD) check for a proper diagnose. Or just go straight to the Criteria check by searching for the mental disorder.

BTW I’ve also included the quick Criteria search data into Psych 101, really like how that data function turned out. So why not, it makes the app better.

Now I hope the user will also think this way and rate the app. With the current AppStore ranking system, highly rated apps are treated better. Which equals more downloads. And those downloads translate into certain paper and metal stuff that I can exchange for food & shelter.

download on the app store

Learning Cocoa… zzz

cocoa_cupSo finally decided to try Mac OSX programming. This should be easy with some experience in iOS programming. True, true… but also not true.

My first impression while still using X-Code as the main programming tool and objective C as the language. There is still a lot that I’m not familiar with: first so many new options in Interface Builder. This is all nice, but a new list of Outlet names and connections to learn. Second new frameworks & methods to learn. Third the feeling that I don’t know anything at all… guess it’s research & reading time for now.


Personal note: I already fell asleep twice while reading a Cocoa Programming book. My mind trying hard to learn the content by heart (new and interesting things and also a repetition of old things). So how would a describe: why I fell a sleep? A psychological explanation called Cognitive Restructuring or just plain old NLP.

The content wasn’t that boring and it didn’t cause my mind to wander off into NeverEverLand….. oeps NLP would make this into:

The content was that boring and it did cause my mind to wander off into NeverEverLand…

So something new then. Ehm the content contains a mixture between old and new information. The new information did catch my interest and attention. But the old one didn’t and made me think of boring old repetition.

The word to look out for is “boring”. Because “old” can and is in someway the new “new”. Vintage is in nowadays. And old can be associated with wise. With age comes wisdom.

To me repetition is a good word and it equals hard work & progress. It’s training, training and training again. Like grinding for XP.

How to reframe “boring”? Boring can’t equal sleep, because I already have my daily dose of caffeine & it’s 13:00 now. The sun is shining, certainly not night time & bed time. So what about distractions? What are the things that causes my mind to wander off? If I picture my mind as a processor, then a part of the attention/resource is focussed on something else instead of reading the Cocoa Programming book. Pinpoint it and resolve it before going further.

Give in to the distraction, enjoy it but put a time limit on it.

Do something totally different like writing a blog post. Which is what I’m doing now. Plus updating the website, something that I keep putting off.

Find another book to read. Sometimes it can just be the wording that a writer use, which does’t connect with you. So glad that I’m not in school/university anymore and that I have the freedom to choose & gather my own information resource. And the internet is a big, big resource pool.


Psych 101

 Whether you practice psychiatry, psychology or you just want to know more about mental health.
Then Psych 101 is the application for you.
The Psych 101 App gives you all the knowledge you ever want to know on you iPhone.

Like you want to know what the precise criteria is for a major depresive disorder, just typ in the word or scroll down to mood disorders.
Interested in phobias, no problem Psych 101 knows the answer.
What does it mean the have an Narcissistic Personality? Try Psych 101 and you’ll know.

Psych 101 list the all the disorders into Groups and Categories, just like the DSM or ICD.
This is displayed in the main category name (the pruple entry). Here you’ll find the quick criteria definitions of all the disorders belonging to the group or category.
If you want to know more about a certain disorder, you can search it by name (indented entry). This then will lead you to some detailed information about the disorder (yellow entry).

Demo video coming soon